Plumstead Parish Council

07586 757974
Wildlife Area
With all the concern about the environment and global warming, our small village is proud to have and to manage a significant wildlife area at Plumstead Green.
This consists of a pond and a meadow. They are havens for wildlife and in the spring a glorious show of wild flowers in the meadow.
Apart from controlling the willow around the margins, the pond is left for nature to use as it pleases. Various waterfowl such as ducks and coots can be seen and masses of tadpoles.

The meadow is managed to enable the wild flowers to grow. Early in the season, there is a carpet of cowslips and after that a wide mix of flowers; the composition changes every year. There is a winding path cut to enable the beauty of the area to be appreciated. In the autumn the meadow is cut and the hay removed. This reduces the fertility of the soil. After that, sheep are grazed over the winter.
It is a peaceful place and hopefully you will visit it at various times in the year to enjoy it in different ways. There is a picnic bench, so bring some food and your family and spend some quality time down there.
